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Science For the Rest of Us

Aug 23, 2021

Chris Helzer from The Nature Conservancy in Nebraska discusses grassland ecology and conservation, fire, grazing, climate change and the idea of "invasive" species.

Jul 16, 2021

Dr. Demian Saffer from UT-Austin discusses earthquakes -- natural and anthropogenic -- the impact of fluid and fluid pressure beneath our feet, future fossil fuels, fracking and more.

Jun 17, 2021

Fast-paced conversation with the Dean of UNMC's College of Public Health.  We discuss current Covid-19 infection and vaccination statuses in Nebraska, nationally, and the world. Covid-19 genesis, difference between coronaviruses and influenza, MERS/SARS, vaccine development, effectiveness and...

May 20, 2021

A discussion with Reverend Parisa Parsa about the impact of technology on our civic discourse and the work Cortico is doing to use tech in a more "pro-social" way.

Apr 22, 2021

Statistics are everywhere and whether you like it or not, inferences and decisions are constantly made around them.  This conversation is aimed at making you better consumer of the data and stats that surround us everyday.